Eileen’s thoughts on strength of spirit

“You can trust God with your whole self, your whole will. His love will gain all for you. Seek only to please Him, to give Him joy.”
“Give to God’s poor because of Him – His love, and because of their need. No coldness must kill or undo anything you do or try to do for others. Give, give lovingly, give the things that cost you the most.”
Eileen O’Connor, co-founder of Our Lady’s Nurses for the Poor.
Reflection (1 John 3:18): My children, our love should not be just words and talk; it must be true, love which shows itself in action.
Prayer: Help me, that I may help others, but love me, that I may love Thee more, and be worthy of loving You and Our Lord. Amen.
Come walk with me: Thoughts and prayers by Eileen O’Connor.
For further reading, visit our resources page where you can discover more about the Our Lady's Nurses for the Poor, Eileen O'Connor, Fr Edward (Ted) McGrath and the work of the Brown Nurses.
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