Anniversary Mass 11 am Thursday 10 January 2019

6 January 2019. You are invited to join us at Our Lady’s Home, Coogee, this Thursday (10 January 2019) to mark the 98th anniversary of the death of Eileen Rosaline O’Connor, co-founder of Our Lady’s Nurses for the Poor and recently recognised as a Servant of God by the Holy See. This year, we are truly honoured to welcome Archbishop of Sydney Most Rev. Anthony Fisher OP, Auxiliary Bishop Most Rev. Anthony Randazzo and Bishop Emeritus of Broken Bay Most Rev. David Walker DD, who will concelebrate Mass. We will also welcome a number of other priests, representatives from the Sisters of Charity, Missionaries of Sacred Heart, Little Sisters of the Poor and other religious orders – and of course, our many, many friends from throughout Australia. Mass will be followed by morning tea, when Bishop Walker will officially launch the revised edition of Eileen O’Connor – A saintly inspiration (Rob Ditessa), a copy of which will be presented to everyone in attendance. Reprints of Our Lady of Coogee (Mary O’Connell), And here begin the work of Heaven (Jocelyn Hedley) and Eileen O’Connor – A Remarkable Life (Br Oswin McKinney) will also be available. After morning tea, visitors are welcome to return to Our Lady’s Chapel to pray at Eileen’s open vault, join in a recitation of the Rosary or sit in quiet, restful meditation. You are also welcome to visit the museum or place your petitions in our intercessory box. We sincerely hope you can join us.